true self

The Freedom in Truth–Regardless of the ‘When’

The Freedom in Truth–Regardless of the ‘When’

We have the right to know and express our truths in our own time. It’s okay to have a delayed reaction when our truths are compromised. It’s okay to take your time articulating why you’re feeling discomfort. It’s okay if you don’t even know you’re feeling discomfort until much, much later.

Is there enough room for growth in our relationships?

Is there enough room for growth in our relationships?

How do we cultivate authentic relationships? How do we allow room for those in our lives to grow in the way they need? Are we entering relationships with too many assumptions and pre-judgments?

A Unique Mindfulness Journey for The True-You

A Unique Mindfulness Journey for The True-You

Practicing mindfulness can be such an amazing tool in helping you on your journey to a deeper sense of selfhood. And you don’t have to be like anyone else to do it. Your mindfulness practice can be self-driven, customizable, and tailored to who YOU are, not who you think you ought to be.