The Resilience Doctor’s BLOG
How do we tell the difference between what we’re afraid of and what plain-and-simple isn’t the right thing for us? How do we hone our ability to trust our instincts?
The phrase, ‘don’t sink good money after bad’ has been rolling around my head lately. I put it into practice yesterday–in a small way, that hopefully will help me suss out some bigger things…
Guest blog post from Dr. Jackie! Here she talks about the importance of finding the right soil and gives tips on how to be yourself (never underestimate the power of the right blazer). I’m honored to share her words with you and I hope you find joy and healing in them.
I think about the things I demand from my body, soul, heart. I often put my personhood into situations that may be at the brink of my capacity. The maximum limit of strain on our bodies is not the same thing as our threshold for comfort. Identifying those two points as separate things can help us to understand our limits.
As soon as I try to put myself in a box, it feels like the box falls apart. Maybe you also struggle with being seen only as an elevator pitch? I wonder, is niching down good for our overall mental health?
Did you ever have a time in your life where you felt perfectly aligned with yourself? I didn’t expect to go down memory lane, but a fortuitous youtube channel helped me go there. And I realized: Sometimes we need to look back in order to move forward.
I’m not making any life decisions right now while my body is healing like this….except I totally am. Find out more in this special version of Dr. C’s journal.
My 'Relax Your Body' Video list 2023—some of this will surprise you! I find these accounts to be run by super-positive people who don’t stress my body out. They remind me to let go and that there’s so much to this world to explore and enjoy.
It’s important, especially in the wellness industry, for me to be someone who is more of a guide and less of an incendiary device. To promote the radical act of self-love and kindness to self and others. To remember to laugh. To remember that we are more than the elevator pitches we’ve been trained to contain ourselves in.
We have the right to know and express our truths in our own time. It’s okay to have a delayed reaction when our truths are compromised. It’s okay to take your time articulating why you’re feeling discomfort. It’s okay if you don’t even know you’re feeling discomfort until much, much later.
How do we cultivate authentic relationships? How do we allow room for those in our lives to grow in the way they need? Are we entering relationships with too many assumptions and pre-judgments?
Creating supportive community is REVOLUTIONARY. Accepting each other without judgment creates space for true selfhood and trust.
In this month’s guest blog, Mel talks about bridging the wisdom between her Native roots, her background in restoration ecology, and health-supportive botanicals. She talks about skin health, the power of calendula, hyperpigmentation, and her inspiration for starting to make (and sell) her own botanical products. And she gives a coupon code! Don’t miss it.