Welcome to Monte Wellness

Where Dr. Cory can help you trust your power.

Welcome to Montesano Wellness with Dr. Cory Ambrose

We are pleased to announce that Telemed and limited In-Person Bookings are now available at Montesano Wellness. Online booking is available below. Feel free to text or call for more information 360-515-7886. We look forward to helping you feel like yourself again!

General Info

Dr. Cory Ambrose is a licensed naturopathic physician in Washington State specializing in foundational health and homeopathy. We provide a gender-affirming body-positive space for both telemed and select in-person appointments. Not located in Washington State but still Dr. Cory to support your health? Call/text/email us for more info and options. 360-515-7886 or email drcory -at- montewellness.com


Does Dr. Cory accept insurance?

Not at this time. Instead, we’ve created a no questions asked sliding scale self-selection payment options for both first appointments and follow-ups. (see below for pricing).

How much does it cost?

As part of our mission towards a more equitable world we believe that access care should have the fewest barriers possible. 

To that end we currently offer no-questions-asked sliding scale options for both initial and follow up appointment. Simply select the options that fit best for you. We’re currently working toward providing even more options.

We have a no-proof-required scale between $100 and $180 for a half hour session. If you find yourself in need we ask that you take advantage of this level. Existing patients with preapproval may be eligible for lower rates. We’re working toward extending this toward newer patients as well. The 30 minute appointment is typically for follow-ups.

If you are a bit more settled in life we ask that you contribute between $225 and $425 for a one-hour session (typically a first appointment) and if you are able to help sustain this program a bit further. Questions on what to select? Don’t hesitate to call, text, or email us!

Where is Dr. Cory’s in-person practice located?

We are currently seeing people primarily in a telemed setting. However, certain individuals may prefer in-person appointments. You will be notified after scheduling where the in-person location will be if that is an option you prefer (just let us know and we will work with you).

Can Dr. Cory be my primary care doctor?

No. Dr. Cory Ambrose is a naturopathic physician with a specialty in homeopathy and foundational health. We provide a gender-affirming and body-positive space that we’d love to share with you as much as possible. But unfortunately, being a primary care physician requires certain structural elements we don’t have at this time (like 24/7 call, a large referral network, etc).

I am located outside of Washington but want to see Dr. Cory Ambrose. Is this possible?

Dr. Ambrose specializes in supporting foundational health and homeopathy. This lends itself well to certain aspects of supporting your health without diagnosing or treating specific conditions. That said, if you’re located in certain states or countries, this may not be a fit for you. We encourage you to reach out directly to find out more. (see general info above for contact deets).