The Resilience Doctor

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4 Ways to be Kinder to Yourself

It started with an ad for a toothbrush.

Have you received those ads for natural toothbrushes? I’m talking about those disaster-mongering ones–like, the world’s going to be one giant landfill unless you buy this bamboo toothbrush. I saw those ads and was like, ‘yikes I’m destroying everything all at once and it’s all my fault.’ I got way existential, super-fast.

Then I realized I cannot fix everything. I realized I needed to not put so much pressure on myself. And I wanted to learn how to be kinder to myself.

This is a sticky wicket for a lot of us, isn’t it? The world can feel so harsh sometimes, and it’s easy to internalize some of that dialogue.

Here are 4 ways to be kinder to yourself:

  1. Say nice things to yourself. Seriously. I wrote a whole blog topic about the power of saying positive words to myself and how you can do it too. Bonus–I included my own creed in there that you can use until you write your own (and I’d be delighted to help you do that–get in touch!)

  2. Create space for the unknown. Things change, life changes, times change. Think about the careers that were available 30 years ago that aren’t available today (and vice-versa). I literally combed through the classifieds in a newspaper from exactly 30 years ago just for fun (I’m a delightful dinner party guest). Think if you still had your heart set on “Soda Jerk at Upscale Luncheonette”, Computer Operator, Telephone Installer, “Guy/Gal Friday” (I had to google what that one was), or “Manager in Training U.S.S.R.--LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY-Large American wholesale co. is looking for highly motivated individual to assist in our expansion to the Soviet Union in 1993.” Give yourself a break and know that things change.

  3. Normalize that finding yourself is a practice. We aren’t born knowing everything about ourselves. It’s okay to get really into something for a while, then do something else. It all leads to greater self-understanding and self-awareness. Think back to the first career you ever wanted to have-like when you were a really little kid. You don’t have to be that now and you have permission to change your mind. We can’t all be meteorologists like Sam Champion.

  4. Journal without judgment. Here is a blog I wrote on 4 ways to help you journal more effectively.

It’s all a practice and it takes time. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need guidance–that’s what I’m here for!!

Also, the end of the story about the toothbrush is I ended up buying one made from recycled yogurt containers. I’m not vulnerable to advertising or anything–har har. I totes am. Remember Totes? The isotoner. I’ll show myself out now.